A successful relationship of any kind must have one common denominator, Communication.
Communication opens any and all doorways to success. If fostered properly in your dental practice, it will be the key to a successful practice and happy team members. As we know, the clinical skills in the practice are only one factor in the overall equation. How you communicate with your staff ultimately has an effect on communication skills demonstrated to your patients.
A Morning Huddle is an efficient and very effective way to bridge great communication between doctor and staff.
An efficiently and effectively run Morning Huddle will set the tone for Growth. Allowing each day to be more productive, profitable, and add exceptional Value!! A Positive way to end the meeting might be to offer an Inspirational Quote or tell a joke. Just be certain that the common denominator has remained consistent throughout the Morning Huddle. COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY!!!!!!! Now encourage it throughout the entire office and watch your doorways GROW SUCCESSFULLY!!!