Let's talk insurance and tools to use to get past the general feeling about it. Here is an exercise that I do with dental offices all around the country. We sit in a group, and we play a word association game. I will say a word, and then you immediately say the first word that comes to mind. Let’s try it.
I have no idea what you said for the first few words, but I’ll bet I can predict what you said for INSURANCE. You probably said something like “sucks” or “write off” or “thieves” or another negative word. Was I right? If so, read on.
This is what I call the Insurance Paradox. Many of us as dentists have decided to voluntarily join up with certain PPO insurance plans. We are aware in advance that this will involve a contract with very specific terms. Primarily, we will have to abide by a fee that is often significantly lower than our standard fee. Will have to be aware of maximums, frequencies, waiting periods, and many other contractual obligations. We enter these contracts with our eyes open, knowing the negatives, and understanding the positives. And then we turn around and moan and groan and complain about it while voluntarily re-signing that contract every year.
My first suggestion, of course, is to grow your practice to a point where you can reduce or even eliminate your dependency on network Insurance. However, many dentists live in areas or have practices where they are simply unable to do that. In San Diego there were several huge employers, all of whom seem to carry Delta PPO.
This is where my thinking seems to diverge from many dentists. I decided long ago not to be Mister negative about insurance. Not to constantly complain about it. And certainly not to transmit to patients that insurance was bad, evil, sucks, etc. Instead, I came with a positive view of insurance. The fact that it could significantly reduce patients costs was a good thing for me because I like my patients. I was their cheerleader in this.
There is a video in our library where we talk all about how to see and portray Insurance in a positive light. You will be shocked how this simple mindset change can increase your production.
If you find that being an in-network provider for dental insurance is increasing your blood pressure and decreasing your bottom line, I'd love to chat with you. Let’s fix it!