Have you ever played the ‘hurry up and wait game?’ Typically, when I ask this question to hygienists they furiously nod their heads and proceed to share that one of the biggest challenges for them and their Dr’s is in hygiene checks. Often times the hygienist and the patient are waiting on the Dr who is knee deep in a patient procedure they cannot step away from. Then the doctor feels stressed and rushed as the schedule starts to get behind. When this starts first thing in the morning it can be very challenging to get back on track.
Traditionally hygiene tends to do Dr exams at the end of the appointment which can create traffic jams throughout the day. Dr’s, what if I shared with you a more efficient method that empowers your hygiene team, increases patient communication and acceptance of treatment, and eliminates scheduling road blocks? If you are ready to remove those hygiene traffic jams from your schedule there are three key areas to address. These will delight your hygienists and patients as well as alleviate stress!
Follow these 3 key points:
Follow the above three points and watch how your hygiene department transforms. This is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face- even yours! We love to hear your celebrations and help you through any challenges. Emails us at: [email protected] so we can guide you through this process and keep you on the road of success!