Pay attention to the details of your life and business! Perhaps recalibrate!
Are you the kind of person that waits for disaster to strike before action, or, are you the kind of person that throws the proverbial dust under the rug of accountability to avoid confrontation?
Often when our Accelerate My Practice Coaches are onsite in dental offices and are quickly asked, “I don’t like confrontation, are you going to make me confront someone?” We often answer this way – would you prefer not to have confrontation and implement boundaries, so confrontations become minimized or even eliminated?
Goals – Do you make them? Are you the New Year’s Resolution-er, finding yourself miserably failing on the “new you” by February 1st? By far, most humans do not set goals. Even less of goal setters follow through with accountability to those goals. Which are you? What would be your odds to make a goal AND visit the accountability that matches that goal daily? You would have a 365% better chance of maintaining your goal if you visit your goal daily. Let’s break this down to smaller pieces. If you made a goal, attaching accountability to it, visited that newly made or revised goal once a week, your chances increase for success verses hitting the goal full out and burning out in a month, eg, New Year’s Resolutions.
Examples – When you create your goal, do you give it relation to something reachable, attainable? Here is an example – Losing weight. How many people know HOW to do this (everyone)? Eat less, move around more. If you want to lose 50 pounds and just lose your umph, have you ever thought of losing one pound this week? Break it down. Mel Robbins, in her latest book, Take Control of Your Life, challenges changes to be a Lego piece at a time, not the finished product that overwhelms. Bit by bit, Lego by Lego, building sustainability along the way.
Humility – A humble servant will build boundaries and stick to the boundaries with steadfast humility. Boundaries are created to avoid confrontation. Done with humility, power prevails through servant leadership, a trait Accelerate My Practice teaches with consistency. For some of you, this may sound a little challenging… how do you serve with humility to be a powerful leader?
At Accelerate My Practice, we focus on the mindset of the how and why in our thought process. We take you from your excessive weight to just a pound a week, metaphorically speaking. We do this through the three areas mentioned above. Want to know more?
Visit our website, Accelerate My Practice and contact one of our coaches. What we do and how we do it has been sustainable for many Doctors throughout this amazing country! Call us! Is it time for you to recalibrate?