Preparing for an interview can be a mission. Having spoken to a handful of doctors that are in the process, they all have the same concern and focus. "Getting it right".
Below are a few guidelines to developing an interviewing process that are guaranteed to help find the perfect candidate!
When deciding on what questions to ask, make sure to understand why you're asking those specific questions. This is your process and your practice, so make sure you're asking questions that are important to you! Not just something you've read in a blog, or online.
Here's a little trick. Mirror the body language or physical language of the person you are interviewing. Often in the first five minutes, generally you can tell if the candidate that you are interviewing is the right person or not. Aligning the right questions to ask means that you'll be spending the rest of your time in the interview simply confirming your decision as to if this is the right or the wrong person.
Always remember that someone that has experience interviewing will say things that will stall you if they need time to think about an answer; for example, "That is a really good questions.." or "I am glad you asked that..." With a little practice, interviewing will become second nature.
Just remember, you want someone that can think quickly, answer a wide range of questions and is comfortable talking in front of you.