Have you ever pre planned dialogue with a new patient dependent upon their age? Look below at some targeted dialogue and verbiage addressing quality dentistry, future controlled costs using a prevention model, thus filling your future chairs!! Here is the age breakdown guideline. Remember, this is just a guideline. Younger (adult up to 30), middle age (35-55) and older 60 and up.
Accelerate My Practice addresses coaching from a mindset perspective using NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and CBT (cognitive behavior therapy). Dentists are trained scientists using logic as they were trained. If we take the 80% logic used and replace that with 80% psychology, addressing human needs from a behavioral perspective, this is what it would look like:
Following is a twist in question asking, that could spark humans to think differently, perhaps choosing better dentistry. Ask yourself if these trigger questions would allow you different dialogue, engaging the patient in a different way, adding value to you and the quality of what you provide.
This allows the patient to really think of what they may want rather than be told what you think they need. This approach will allow outside influences (insurance), at least for the moment, to be lesser and the patients desire to choose what they desire. If value is elevated by the team member and owned by the patient, a different conversation can be had. CBT can lead the patient to co discover their own desires. Our job as dental professionals is to provide what we know with what will serve them the best. Sometimes, dental peeps use insurance to guide their conversations rather than evaluate what the patient really wants. Which of you would choose a partial if implants were an option? Why are we not sharing this with our patients?
People want to keep their teeth. All of us deserve to chew food comfortably. People don’t grow old wanting plastic teeth. Sometimes, they think they don’t have a choice. If we asked questions differently, would we get a different answer? Do you desire pleasure in chewing your food for the rest of your life?
By asking someone young the above question, we may receive valuable information about their desires. By asking the right, truthful questions, we can fill our future chairs saying something like this- Ms Patient, if you were to protect your teeth today (nightguard), choose to use healing products (5000ppm Px toothpaste) and come in minimally every 6 months until you reach the age to come in every four months (absence of periodontal disease), not missing your scheduled appointments, your dental future would consistently be healthy and costs contained. Providing you with a lifetime of health and a fatter wallet😊 Coming to the dentist regularly is extremely cost effective!
Are you ready to try something new?