If you haven’t done it by now, you are probably a little late. However, better late than never! It’s time to remind your Dental Patients that if they don’t take advantage of their unused insurance benefits by the end of the year, the benefits will not roll over to next year. They will “waste” the benefits they paid for and the needed dental work that could have been done.
One way to send the notices out would be email; if you’ve done your due diligence and asked for your patient’s emails. If not, there are other ways. If you have a patient communication service, such as Revenue Well or Light House, they will be able to help you send the notice out in different ways, such as texts. Also, you have the added benefit of tracking who read the message so you can determine your ROI (return on investment). The slowest, and most costly, would be regular mail. If you aren’t a great writer, as many of us, ask your coach for assistance and access to prewritten letters that AMP already has.
Another valuable way to get the message out is Facebook. How many people don’t look at their Facebook daily, or several times a day?
Be prepared for those patients that might not have any benefits left and they will call and ask, “Why did you send this letter to me?” This would be an excellent time to inform them that you can only instruct them of what work needs to be done today; you cannot advise them of how much it will cost, or much pain they may be in, if they wait until the new year to do the treatment.
If you are lucky, and have been entering insurance information regularly, your dental management software will have a mail merge feature that will only target those patients with benefits left.
If you haven’t done this notice yet, you might want to get on it ASAP before you have no openings in your schedule before the end of the year. Remember, always reach out to your coach if you could use some help!