Many offices come to us asking for a “marketing plan”. You may hear them say things like “I need more patients” and “I want to do more implants”. This may be one of my favorite moments when talking to doctors because I get to challenge most of them on a totally different level.
Yes, you may in fact need a marketing plan; however, we find more times then not an offices primary needs in this area has nothing to do with a need for marketing rather a need to focus on case acceptance and their retention rate. Let’s consider the following for a moment, if every single patient that you presented ideal treatment to said yes, would you need a marketing plan or would you have so much work to do you would not know what to do? If you retained a healthy static on patients returning when they should for what has been diagnosed or for any healthy re care would you have less of a need for a “marketing plan”?
There are a lot of things that go into feeding the pipeline of business into a dental office and what we typically find is that marketing ends up to be one of the last things we need to focus on. I think you would be surprised to find that most offices have the patients they need in their practices already in order to have a thriving practice, they just are not getting as many people to say “yes” as they need to. Who are you talking to when it comes to this? What data are you pulling? It's all at your fingertips, we just need to start to dive in.