The topic of growth has come into play many times recently with our offices. Specifically growth as it relates to different levels of success. This has driven passionate conversation from many perspectives, hence a chance to talk about it here.
Many people of course have difference ideas and/or definitions of what success means to them; however, whatever your idea and/or definition of success is there is one thread common in reaching different levels of success. The need to change your routine along with your path to create what is needed to drive you to get to where you want to be.
There are lots of examples of this. For example an athlete, there are routines and a series of events that allows someone to get to a monumental win or personal best.
What will get them to their next monumental win or personal best?
Will it be the exact same routine or will they have to challenge themselves to think differently and act differently?
Will they think differently about internal motivation, changes that will positively influence the body/mind and what altercations need to be made to a training routine to be even more fit, strong and healthy?
These are just examples of a few things that need to change to continue to grow and reach different levels of success for an athlete.
If you have reached your first, second or third level of success in dentistry there is always room for more, you just need to challenge your routine and talk to your coach about how to achieve what's next in your mind.