It can be very eye opening to walk into a dental office, print the dental patient balance totals over 60 days and simply show it to a doctor. This is one area of the practice that is simply easy to maintain and control.
How does this get out of control in the first place? Take a look at the Dental Patient Revenue Cycle graphic to the right. This is typically what we see in dental practices when we look at the revenue cycle.
If you can control these factors in your practice you will see that your accounts receivable will likely be more under control. Now, what do we do about those old balances that are sitting out there and need collected?
The answer may seem simple and there are many different approaches. There are many ways to get your accounts receivable under control. Believe it or not there are also ways to make sure it never gets out of control.
Darren Kaberna describes the entire process in the video below.