Back in October Jeff Haden wrote an article on how what you do can make you extremely likeable, but so can what you don't choose to do. When you sit down and look at your personal and professional life, your life at home vs your life in the dental practice are you paying attention to what it is that you do that make people like or dislike you?
Jeff Haden says that there are 10 key things that likeable people never EVER do and why you love them for it. While you're reading this article think about each of these things as they may or may not pertain to your life. In order to be a good leader in your practice, you need to be able to lead yourself down a healthy and happy path! Let's see how you do...
1. They don't blame.
Taking responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others isn't masochistic; it's empowering, because then you focus on doing things better or smarter next time.
And when you get better or smarter, you also get happier.
2. They don't control.
Control is short term at best, because it often requires force, or fear, or authority, or some form of pressure--none of those let you feel good about yourself.
Find people who want to go where you're going. They'll work harder, have more fun, and create better business and personal relationships.
And all of you will be happier.
3. They don't try to impress.
Genuine relationships make you happier, and you'll form genuine relationships only when you stop trying to impress and start trying to just be yourself.
4. They don't cling.
Holding on to what you think you need won't make you happier; letting go so you can reach for and try to earn what you want will.
Even if you don't succeed in earning what you want, the act of trying alone will make you feel better about yourself.
5. They don't interrupt.
Want people to like you? Listen to what they say. Focus on what they say. Ask questions to make sure you understand what they say.
They'll love you for it -- and you'll love how that makes you feel.
6. They don't whine.
Don't talk about what's wrong. Talk about how you'll make things better, even if that conversation is only with yourself.
And do the same with your friends or colleagues. Don't be just the shoulder they cry on.
Friends don't let friends whine. Friends help friends make their lives better.
7. They don't criticize.
Everyone is different: not better, not worse, just different. Appreciate the differences instead of the shortcomings and you'll see people -- and yourself -- in a better light.
8. They don't preach.
Likable people listen. They already know what they think -- they want to know what you think.
9. They don't live in the past.
The past is just training; it doesn't define you. Think about what went wrong, but only in terms of how you will make sure that, next time, you and the people around you will know how to make sure it goes right.
10. They don't let fear hold them back.
Don't let your fears hold you back. Whatever you've been planning, whatever you've imagined, whatever you've dreamed of, get started on it today. ___ "
Inc. 10 Things Incredibly Likeable People Never, Ever Do (and Why You Love Them For It). Oct 2017. Jeff Haden. Inc.