
Reporting & Tracking

As a dental practice owner, you are faced with a variety of  problems daily. Thankfully with AMP, you'll have accurate reporting data needed to make informed decisions on how to run your practice effectively.
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Unfortunately, some dentists feel alone and overwhelmed running their practice even if they have reporting available to them. Often, dentists will freeze unable to implement a change, regardless of what their reporting indicates.

You don’t have to do that, though. With AMP, we offer dental practice management reporting that is easy to understand and implement. Your dental coach is going to sit down with you and present the data in a way that you can comprehend and use to make changes in your office.

If you don’t understand something, we explain it and help you learn what it means. That way, you and the AMP specialist can have a healthy dialogue about what’s working for you and what you still need to think about.

In a sense, we are there for you each step of the way so that you’re successful. The only way to do that is to know what metrics you should focus on and where to improve. When we start getting reports, it’s easier for us to explain them to you and help you achieve your goals of expanding or earning more revenue.

Actionable KPI

Most of the time, consultants use KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure your business goals and objectives. There are different KPI levels and options to evaluate your practice’s success for various targets. Typically, we focus on high-level KPIs to measure the performance of your business. However, we also use lower-level KPIs to understand the processes. These include marketing, sales, HR, and more.

We also take that a step further at AMP to ensure that the KPIs we use are actionable. It’s essential to define your goal and measure its success. However, if it isn’t successful, you also have to know that and figure out why. AMP offers you advice on how to improve those metrics so that you get the results you want. Remember, a KPI is only valuable when it inspires an action. That means we make sure that the KPIs we use reflect your business and objectives to provoke positive change.

Ultimately, actionable KPIs are a form of communication. We use them to figure out what your next move is and then explain it to you in a way you understand.

Review Objectives

For it to be an actionable key performance indicator, we have to know your objectives. What do you want from your practice? When we know that, we can help you attain your goals and shift those KPIs into things that you need to focus on and understand.

Once that happens, we can use those reports to show you what’s happening and where improvements can be made. In a sense, we’re always there for each step you take. That way, you’ve got someone on your side who cares about your success and achievements.

Analyze Performance

Before you can figure out what you must improve on, you have to know where you’re at right now. This analysis is essential because it forces you to think about your goals and ways to reach them. Once that is in place (and we help with that, too), you can decide what changes to make and when.

With that, you’re going to have a starting point. You can look back at the progress you’ve made through the many reports we provide to you. That way, you have a clear picture of the path you’ve taken to success.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but you are going to see results if you stick with it. We also help you stay accountable; if you slack a bit (and it happens to everyone), you can try harder next month.

Set Goals

You are going to have specific KPI targets to meet, and some of them are going to be short- and long-term. With your help, we can ensure that you’re setting the right KPIs to get the information you need. Through the reports we create, you see everything unfold. It’s all explained to you in a way you can understand. That way, you’re not confused or trying to sift through graphs and charts that don’t make sense. We sit down with you and talk about what’s in the report so that you’ve got a clear path to success.

Review Progress and Adjust

Most of the time, consultants create reports to show you how well you’re doing and where you’ve still got to go. However, they don’t explain them or help you understand them. Ultimately, they leave you here to figure things out for yourself and flounder or flourish.

AMP works differently because we review your progress with you. A team member sits down with you to discuss everything. Once you understand it all, we help you realize how much progress you’ve made. Now is a time to celebrate your accomplishments, but we also focus on what’s next.

This means making adjustments to the current KPIs. They aren’t set in stone, and you’ve got to update them periodically so that they continue to work for you and show you what must be improved. We are there for you through each step, so you know you’ve got someone to rely on when the need arises.

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Continue Updating Metrics

Your metrics are what show you what you’re doing correctly and where you should improve. We help you create them, but they aren’t one-size-fits-all. Even in your business, you are going to have to update the metrics at times.

What happens when you succeed in one area of business? Are you completely done there? No! You’ve got many ways to improve on what you’re already doing. Metrics are what shows you where you’ve done well. When we update them to focus on areas of improvement, you’re going to see even better results.

The KPI must always evolve to fit the needs of your business. It’s going to change periodically, so the KPIs must also do so, or they’re going to be obsolete. If you start using outdated KPIs, you’re going to tread water. Progression stops, and you’re left floundering again.

We don’t let that happen and are always on your side.

Actionable Content 

One common issue that many dentists face is they hire a consultant who just sends an automated a monthly report. Once that happens, they’re done, and it’s all in your hands. With all of the the various graphs and charts that go into reporting, it can be extremely confusing and a waste of time.

At AMP, we don’t do that. While we can always send you the information via email, we also explain everything to you. In fact, we start off by presenting it in a way that’s easy to understand. We know you’re bound to have questions, so we also schedule a time where we can talk (face to face or over the phone). That’s why you’re going to appreciate working with AMP.

Bring It All Together

Though KPIs are essential and a great tool to measure your success, that’s not everything you need. You’ve got to have a way to bring it all together so that you understand and have a clear path to the next step, and we can help you.


Utility is a big key for KPIs and reports. They must provide you with helpful information if they’re going to be beneficial. We make sure that you understand the review and know what the KPIs are. That way, you have a specific goal to work toward and can see the progress you’re making. However, you must also realize that every KPI you use has a limit. It’s important that you don’t get too attached to these factors, or else you could lose sight of the big picture.


Every KPI we create for you is indeed going to be useful. Otherwise, it isn’t going to be part of your report or assessment. However, that specific metric is only going to work up to a certain point.

Once it is no longer useful, it has to be tossed, and a new KPI has to be added in its place. That is the only way progress can happen. You use it so that you know what you’re doing is effective. When it stops, you try another metric to gain even more perspective.

How We Create Good KPIs for Your Dental Practice

At AMP, we understand that dental practice management reporting is a huge deal. It helps you learn where you are and where to improve. We also offer tips and advice on ways to make those improvements.

However, it’s an interactive process. We’ve got to talk to you and the staff to know what everyone’s goals are. Then, we can come up with the right metrics to show you the progress you’re making. Since we also explain it all to you, there’s no confusion about what’s working and what other areas to work on. This requires us to be objective, use the right strategies, and provide feedback in a way you can appreciate.

Reporting and Tracking FAQs

Reports are important because they help you see where you’re at, what’s working, and where improvements need to be made. However, we recognize that you might have questions. This list of FAQs should help you so that you know what’s going on and how it all works.
Q: How Does AMP Customize Performance Reports?
A: We customize every aspect of the report you get. However, this also means our approach to tracking and reporting is different. You don’t just get a graph to look at once a month. Instead, we figure everything out and sit down with you to discuss everything. It could take an hour to go through it all so that you understand, and we take that time and put in the effort. In general, this seems to work best and gives you the results you need.
Q: What if the Report Shows We Aren't Moving Forward?
A: Sometimes, it might look like you’re not seeing any progress. Often, that’s just because you can’t see the bigger picture. We help you do that, but we also reevaluate your needs periodically to ensure that you do achieve the results you want. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all coaching segment. You are unique, and we treat you that way. Therefore, it can take time to notice the changes and see improved revenues and better employee retention rates.
Q: How Often Does AMP Send Out Reports?
A: While most coaches email you a report once a month with jargon and hard-to-understand graphs, we do things differently. Typically, we help you focus on what must be done and check in as often as needed to ensure that things are progressing. You can ask us to provide reports weekly, monthly, or whatever meets your needs. The point is: we’re there for you each step of the way and help you through everything.
Q: What if I Don't Understand the Report?
A: You don’t have to worry about understanding what’s in your report because an AMP rep sits down with you and discusses each aspect. We look at what you’ve been doing, what’s improved, and what areas still need work. In fact, it’s more like a dialogue between you and us, and you’re not just thrown to the wolves. From there, we work with you on other things you can do and how to see better results.

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Let AMP Enhance Your Dental Office's Reporting

Most dental practices have reporting techniques that they use for different purposes. You know how well your marketing efforts work and how happy the employees are. In fact, you may even have a way to track new clients and current ones.

However, with AMP by your side, you’re going to enhance your reports and make them work harder for you. This step is essential if you plan to expand the practice. In a sense, we’re helping you figure out the ins and outs so that you run your practice more efficiently. It’s not just about one specific area of business; it’s about everything and how it all ties together.

The reports we present you with are easy to understand and in an actionable format. This means that you can glance at it and know what to do next to make improvements or continue seeing success.

Please call AMP today. You’re going to be impressed with what we can offer.