What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read "habitude"? Is it a habit, is it attitude or is it something else?
Habit hab·it/ˈhabət/
1. a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
Now, start spitting out all of your habits. Think you don't have any? How about-
- Getting up in the morning on the same side of the bed?
- Brushing your teeth the same way every day
- Putting your pants on your right leg first
- Stopping for coffee
- Getting in your car, the same way every time
Created habits are usually kept. Until someone somewhere introduces something done in a new way. Tried anew the first time seems awkward, off-kilter, and possibly uncomfortable. Some master this to success, most give up.
When was the last time you tried something new?
How long did you persevere when you did try that new thing? Did the newness feel strange?
Attitude at·ti·tude/ˈadəˌt(y)o͞od/
1. a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.
Definitions from Oxford Languages
What constitutes a good attitude? You know those people. They see the glass half full, offer solutions to challenges, they don't get too ruffled when things go south. They lead with empowerment. How do these folks do this? They are usually spotted in a crowd or office environment quickly. Here are some attributes of a great attitude-
- A well-rested individual
- One who is willing to try change, and maybe, persevere through it until mattered
- A self-creative
- A well-balanced performer
- Someone you want on your team!
How many employers out there wish you had employees with great attitudes, habits, and habitudes? They are out there, you just have to be willing to lead and guide them. At Accelerate My Practice, our coaches unveil many diamonds in the rough and polish up the moderate performers to great habituders. Most times, it is adding leadership and direction to one's plate.
Boundaries and accountability happen next. So often we hear doctors and business owners say they just want to "drill teeth" and not bother with all this other stuff.
Turn your team into a team full of habitude, by shining up those diamonds in the rough.